'.hash('sha512', $account_no.':'.gmdate('Y-m-d').':'. $api_key.':'.$unique_id).' '.$account_no.' '; // Response von der API $response_xml = ' 1 9543.91 EUR '; /** * Retrieval of transactions - Displays last 1000 transactions * * IN * - datefrom: starting date (optional) * - dateto: ending date (optional) * * OUT * - account: Account number of recipient / sender * - subject1: Payment purpose 1 * - subject2: Payment purpose 2 * - refid: Reference number * - reference_id: Reference String from SCI Payment * - amount: Amount * - type: Art (1 = internal transaction, * 2 = S-Pay-internal transfer, * 101 = fees for internal transaction, * 102 = fees for S-Pay-interal transfer) * - rate: exchangerate for transaction amount and account currency * - currency: currency of sender * - currencyamount: amount which was sent * - valuta: valuta time */ // Request to API $request_xml = ' '.hash('sha512', $account_no.':'.gmdate('Y-m-d').':'. $api_key.':'.$unique_id).' '.$account_no.' 2015-06-01 2015-06-13 '; // Response from API $response_xml = ' 2015-06-01 2015-06-13 E9876543210 Payment purpose 1 Payment purpose 2 1234 123.45 2 2015-06-03 10:19:21 E1234567890 Payment purpose 1 1235 1234.56 2 2015-06-09 14:18:58 '; /** * Internal transactions between accounts of a customer * * IN * - account: recipients account number * - amount: amount * - currency: curreny (EUR oder USD) * - subject1: payment purpose 1 * - subject2: payment purpose 2 * * OUT * - transaction: transaction-ID */ // Request to API $request_xml = ' '.hash('sha512', $account_no.':'.gmdate('Y-m-d').':'. $api_key.':'.$unique_id).' '.$account_no.' E1234567890 123.45 EUR payment purpose 1 payment purpose 2 '; // Response from API $response_xml = ' E1234567890 123.45 EUR payment purpose 1 payment purpose 2 1 1234 '; /** * S-PAY internal transaction * * IN * - account: recipients account number * - amount: amount * - currency: currency (EUR oder USD) * - subject1: payment purpose 1 * - subject2: payment purpose 2 * * OUT * - transaction: transaction-ID */ // Request to API $request_xml = ' '.hash('sha512', $account_no.':'.gmdate('Y-m-d').':'. $api_key.':'.$unique_id).' '.$account_no.' E1234567890 123.45 EUR payment purpose 1 payment purpose 2 999719-4589 '; // Response from API $response_xml = ' E1234567890 123.45 EUR payment purpose 1 payment purpose 2 999719-4589 1 1234 '; /** * Retrieval of transaction * * IN * - transaction: Transaction ID * * OUT * - account: Account number of recipient / sender * - subject1: Payment purpose 1 * - subject2: Payment purpose 2 * - refid: Reference number * - reference_id: Reference String from SCI Payment * - amount: Amount * - type: Art (1 = internal transaction, * 2 = S-Pay-internal transfer, * 101 = fees for internal transaction, * 102 = fees for S-Pay-interal transfer) * - rate: exchangerate for transaction amount and account currency * - currency: currency of sender * - currencyamount: amount which was sent * - valuta: valuta time */ // Request to API $request_xml = ' '.hash('sha512', $account_no.':'.gmdate('Y-m-d').':'. $api_key.':'.$unique_id).' '.$account_no.' 1478 '; // Response from API $response_xml = ' 1478 XA0004471041 payment purpose 1 payment purpose 2 1478 -123.45 2 2015-06-11 11:43:29 '; /** * Verify Account * * IN * - account: account number * * OUT * - status: 1 = account ok; 0 = account not ok */ // Request to API $request_xml = ' '.hash('sha512', $account_no.':'.gmdate('Y-m-d').':'. $api_key.':'.$unique_id).' '.$account_no.' XA0004471041 '; // Response from API $response_xml = ' XA0004471041 1 '; /** * A possible error while a transaction should be done * * This error is shown because the date of 31st of February is not valid. * In case of an error you will always get the error-code and a short description. * */ // Request to API $request_xml = ' '.hash('sha512', $account_no.':'.gmdate('Y-m-d').':'. $api_key.':'.$unique_id).' '.$account_no.' 2015-02-31 '; // Response from API $response_xml = ' 2015-02-31 53 Invalid date value in field (datefrom) '; /***************************************************************************** * * Retrieval via GET-function * *****************************************************************************/ $response_xml = file_get_contents('https://s-pay.me/pay/api/?data='.urlencode($request_xml)); print $response_xml; /***************************************************************************** * * Retrieval via Post-function (usage of Curl) * *****************************************************************************/ $ch = curl_init('https://www.s-pay.me/pay/api/'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'data='.$request_xml); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response_xml = curl_exec($ch); echo $response_xml; ?>